Sunday, 30 October 2011


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So the more eagle – eyed ones of you will have noticed that our Friday Favourite has forgotten some Fridays (it has a habit of doing this), a lot of things have been taken off the website too; reason being we're striping it right down to basics and concentrating on getting our new site designed, up & running.
That’s the reason we’ll be stopping the Friday Favourite for a while but we're not going to be totally absent; blogs will still be worming their way onto your screens and we’ll keep you updated with everything that’s going on.
The reason for the pictures is we’re having one of those inspirational days when you think you can end famine after seeing an inspiring quote or picture….ok so cheese on toast but it works!
And check out the '40 Day Dream' below...I've stumbled across this far too late for my liking!

Saturday, 22 October 2011



Two things I love travel and fashion…so all hail Missoni for bringing us the fashionable traveller!
I am a huge print junkie, I love everything boho, tribal, aztec…well pretty much anything that clashes, so you can imagine my excitement after seeing these pictures.

‘Go globe trotting..Seventies style’.

LOVE, LOVE..and did I say LOVE? 
And who said you couldn’t wear high heels on a beach?

Saturday, 15 October 2011


Another Friday Favourite on a day that isn’t Friday..who wants to buy me a calendar?
I am definitely going to get better at this…I am aware I say this every week but the truth is …I lie.

This weeks Friday favourite is….’ The Travel Junkie Necklace’.
An oversized turquoise stone pendant on a burnt silver chain…an aztec beauty!
Hung on a 26” chain.

Pick yours up now with 20% off until Friday 21/10/11.
All you need to do is add the code FRIDAYFAVOURITE in the ‘optional code’ box at checkout and it will automatically deduct the 20%. Whilst stocks last.

Expect a midweek post thats actually posted midweek about the fashionable traveller…

Anyway what’s everyone got planned for this Saturday night?…I think it’s going to be a night in on this end…involving a whole load of pizza demolition.
Goodbye healthy eating….helllloooo pepperoni….

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Check us out…midweek post!
So we’re still working on getting our new website up and running (thanks in advance to the monopoly man for paying for it), but it probably won’t be ready for a few months yet; hopefully the finished product will be more professional and easier to navigate aaaand with more products.

Also I should have done this a while ago but I’m taking a trip back in time to give credit to those who helped get BB off the ground.
The stunning Chloe Lloyd who modelled our range and has since been snapped up by MOT Models & the beautiful and talented photographer Sally May Lewis; who brought all the products to life and styled the shoot.
So a big thank you is in order for these two adept individuals for the effort that went into this project.

You can check Chloe Lloyd and Sally May Lewis by clicking on the links.

Sunday, 9 October 2011


Must. Blog. More…. About cultural and topical issues; at the moment it seems to be one Friday favourite after another…and to top it off this weeks Friday favourite is on a Sunday..
Someone’s taking the biscuit!

I know, I know it’s been a weird week; seems to fly by but at the same time drags?
Glad to see the weathers back to normal..Grey, windy, rainy and COLD; but on the plus side its time to unearth the cotton and is it just me or is anyone else feeling Christmassy?

This weeks Friday favourite is…. The Navajo Facet Ring.
Antique silver facet cut tribal ring, a purple gemstone surrounded by intricate detail.
Pick yours up now with 20% off.

So as of NOW there’s twenty percent off until next Friday 14/10/11 …
All you need to do is add the code FRIDAYFAVOURITE in the ‘optional code’ box at checkout and it will automatically deduct the 20%. Whilst stocks last.

Wait….is that snow?