Thursday, 29 September 2011


Is it just me or are Bedouin Soundclash one of the most under-rated bands out there?
Mention the name and the majority of people’s first thought is ‘When the Night feels my Song’, which seems to be the only memory of them to most people.

The first time I listened to the whole of ‘Sounding A Mosaic’, it left me wondering why I’d never thought to listen to it earlier; its extremely rare to find a 15 track album (give or take a remix or two) where every song deliver’s something so different from the last.
Jay Malinowski has such a unique voice which sings lyrics ranging from money worries to criminals to San Pedro.
The style of music is described as Reggae which all things considering could have gone horribly wrong subject to the loose stereotype we have of reggae singers, but in reality the opposite has happened and this band for years has been creating a sound which was and still is completely unique.
The new album ‘Light The Horizon’ has set the bar even higher and If you do one thing this week… give it a listen.

Also, we’ve had a lot of lovely Bloggers who have featured us these past two weeks or so I just wanted to take the time to say we appreciate it and all the positive feedback we’ve had.

Here’s one from the new album.
Early morning blogging….Rock ’N’ Roll.